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Overview of a webgl program

by Lea Rosema



Create a <canvas> element in your HTML and initialize a WebGL context from the JS side

Provide buffers


Create a buffer containing vertex data for the kind of shape you want to display (eg two triangles forming a rectangle)

Bind buffers to vertex attributes


Buffer data can be accessed by the vertex shader via attribute variables.

When a WebGL program is executed, the buffer is split into records (using a record size). These records are iterated through and passed to the vertex shader. The vertex shader is run multiple times, depending on how many records specified inside the buffer.

The record size depends on the data type of the attribute variable. A number uses a record size of 1, a 2D vector (vec2) has a record size of 2.

If you provide data for 3 coordinates making up a triangle, the vertex shader is executed 3 times and the attribute variable contains the coordinate of the nth record inside the buffer.

Set uniform variables


Set additional uniform variables, like the elapsed time. Another use case for uniform variables are for accessing texture data.

Setting the viewport size


Initially and after resizing the WebGL canvas, you need to set the viewport size of the WebGL context.

Drawing elements


Finally, you can draw all the things onto your canvas element via the drawArrays or drawElements methods. I'm using drawArrays in most cases.

These methods provide different draw modes:

  • POINTS: draw points on screen
  • LINES: draw lines on screen
  • TRIANGLES: draw filled triangles on screen
  • TRIANGLE_STRIP: like triangles, but the 4th record in the buffer reuses the 2nd and 3rd record in the buffer and so on.

When drawArrays is called, the vertex and fragment shaders come into play.